Take a list of Rates and a set of configuration options and copy those rates.
Accepted for processing
{- "rate_Basis": "string",
- "keep_Rate_Basis": true,
- "rate_Category": "string",
- "keep_Rate_Category": true,
- "plan_ID": "string",
- "keep_Plan_ID": true,
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- "keep_Group_ID": true,
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- "keep_Division_ID": true,
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- "payee_Option": 0,
- "existing_Rate_Term_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
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- "new_Rate_Term_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
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- "additional_Invoice_Level": "string",
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- "adjustment_Reason": 0,
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- "age_Thru": 0,
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- "age_Type_Month": "st",
- "assign_To_New_Division": true,
- "assign_To_New_Group": true,
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- "auto_Adjust_Reason": 0,
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- "billing_Cycle_ID": "st",
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- "county_Code": "string",
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- "effective_Date_Type": "string",
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- "employer_Rate_Minimum": 0.1,
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- "payment_Method": "string",
- "plan_ID": "string",
- "plan_Type": "string",
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- "premRate_Category": "string",
- "premRate_ID": "string",
- "premRate_Type": "string",
- "premium_Proration": true,
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- "rate_Pace_Type": "string",
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- "relationship": "string",
- "sex": "s",
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- "term_Date_type": "string",
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- "update_User": "string",
- "zip_Code_From": "string",
- "zip_Code_Thru": "string"
], - "premRatePayees": [
- {
- "premRate_Key": 0,
- "payee_ID": "string",
- "account_Key": 0,
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- "amount_Max": 0.1,
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- "entry_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "entry_User": "string",
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- "rate_Var2": 0.1,
- "rate_Var3": 0.1,
- "update_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "update_User": "string"
Take a list of Rates and a set of configuration options and change those rates.
Accepted for processing
{- "rate_Basis": "string",
- "keep_Rate_Basis": true,
- "rate_Category": "string",
- "keep_Rate_Category": true,
- "plan_ID": "string",
- "keep_Plan_ID": true,
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- "keep_Group_ID": true,
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- "keep_Division_ID": true,
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- "new_Rate_Effective_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "new_Rate_Term_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
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- {
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- "add_On_Grouping_ID": "string",
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- "additional_Invoice_Frequency": "st",
- "additional_Invoice_Level": "string",
- "address_Type": "string",
- "adjustment_Reason": 0,
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- "assign_To_New_Group": true,
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- "auto_Adjust_Reason": 0,
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- "city": "string",
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- "country_ID": "string",
- "county_Code": "string",
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- "effective_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "effective_Date_Type": "string",
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- "employer_Contribution": 0.1,
- "employer_Contribution_Pct": true,
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- "employer_Rate_Type": "string",
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- "employer_Rate_Variable2": 0.1,
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- "plan_ID": "string",
- "plan_Type": "string",
- "premRate_Basis": "string",
- "premRate_Category": "string",
- "premRate_ID": "string",
- "premRate_Type": "string",
- "premium_Proration": true,
- "rate": 0.1,
- "rate_Max": 0.1,
- "rate_Minimum": 0.1,
- "rate_Pace": "string",
- "rate_Pace_Type": "string",
- "rate_Round_Precision": 0,
- "rate_Round_Type": "string",
- "rate_Type": "string",
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- "rate_Variable3": 0.1,
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- "smoker": "s",
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- "term_Date_type": "string",
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- "update_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "update_User": "string",
- "zip_Code_From": "string",
- "zip_Code_Thru": "string"
], - "premRatePayees": [
- {
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- "payee_ID": "string",
- "account_Key": 0,
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- "amount_Max": 0.1,
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- "entry_User": "string",
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- "rate_Round_Type": "string",
- "rate_Var1": 0.1,
- "rate_Var2": 0.1,
- "rate_Var3": 0.1,
- "update_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "update_User": "string"
Creates a new PremRate
{- "premRate_Key": 0,
- "add_On_Grouping_ID": "string",
- "additional_Invoice_Address": "stri",
- "additional_Invoice_Frequency": "st",
- "additional_Invoice_Level": "string",
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- "adjustment_Reason": 0,
- "adult": true,
- "age_From": 0,
- "age_Thru": 0,
- "age_Type": "string",
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- "assign_To_New_Division": true,
- "assign_To_New_Group": true,
- "assign_To_New_Member": true,
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- "auto_Adjust_Reason": 0,
- "avoid_Retro": true,
- "benefit_Code": "string",
- "billing_Cycle_ID": "st",
- "child": true,
- "city": "string",
- "class_Code": "string",
- "country_ID": "string",
- "county_Code": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "division_ID": "string",
- "effective_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "effective_Date_Type": "string",
- "employee_Employer_Contribution": "st",
- "employer_Contribution": 0.1,
- "employer_Contribution_Pct": true,
- "employer_Rate": 0.1,
- "employer_Rate_Max": 0.1,
- "employer_Rate_Minimum": 0.1,
- "employer_Rate_Type": "string",
- "employer_Rate_Variable1": 0.1,
- "employer_Rate_Variable2": 0.1,
- "employer_Rate_Variable3": 0.1,
- "employer_Round_Precision": 0,
- "employer_Round_Type": "string",
- "enrolled_Count_From": 0,
- "enrolled_Count_Thru": 0,
- "enrolled_Count_Type": "string",
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- "enrolled_Duration_Thru": 0,
- "enrolled_Duration_Type": "string",
- "entry_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "entry_User": "string",
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- "group_ID": "string",
- "member_Seq": "st",
- "network_ID": "string",
- "network_Type": "string",
- "new_Hire_Age": true,
- "override_Enrolled_Dates": true,
- "parent_PremRate_Key": 0,
- "payment_Method": "string",
- "plan_ID": "string",
- "plan_Type": "string",
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- "premRate_Type": "string",
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- "rate_Pace": "string",
- "rate_Pace_Type": "string",
- "rate_Round_Precision": 0,
- "rate_Round_Type": "string",
- "rate_Type": "string",
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- "rate_Variable2": 0.1,
- "rate_Variable3": 0.1,
- "region_Code": "string",
- "relationship": "string",
- "sex": "s",
- "smoker": "s",
- "state": "st",
- "subscriber_ID": "string",
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- "term_Date_type": "string",
- "tier": "st",
- "update_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "update_User": "string",
- "zip_Code_From": "string",
- "zip_Code_Thru": "string"
{- "data": {
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- "add_On_Grouping_ID": "string",
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- "additional_Invoice_Level": "string",
- "address_Type": "string",
- "adjustment_Reason": 0,
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- "age_From": 0,
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- "class_Code": "string",
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- "employer_Contribution": 0.1,
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- "employer_Rate_Type": "string",
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- "employer_Rate_Variable2": 0.1,
- "employer_Rate_Variable3": 0.1,
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- "employer_Round_Type": "string",
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- "enrolled_Count_Type": "string",
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- "entry_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "entry_User": "string",
- "group_Division_Offering": true,
- "group_ID": "string",
- "member_Seq": "st",
- "network_ID": "string",
- "network_Type": "string",
- "new_Hire_Age": true,
- "override_Enrolled_Dates": true,
- "parent_PremRate_Key": 0,
- "payment_Method": "string",
- "plan_ID": "string",
- "plan_Type": "string",
- "premRate_Basis": "string",
- "premRate_Category": "string",
- "premRate_ID": "string",
- "premRate_Type": "string",
- "premium_Proration": true,
- "rate": 0.1,
- "rate_Max": 0.1,
- "rate_Minimum": 0.1,
- "rate_Pace": "string",
- "rate_Pace_Type": "string",
- "rate_Round_Precision": 0,
- "rate_Round_Type": "string",
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- "detail": "string",
- "instance": "string",
- "status": 0,
- "title": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "debug": {
- "activityID": "string"
Lists all PremRate
Lists all Premium Rates for the given groupID and have it nested by Division, then by Plan, then by Rate Category, then by Rate Basis.
Updates a specific PremRate.
{- "premRate_Key": 0,
- "add_On_Grouping_ID": "string",
- "additional_Invoice_Address": "stri",
- "additional_Invoice_Frequency": "st",
- "additional_Invoice_Level": "string",
- "address_Type": "string",
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- "assign_To_New_Division": true,
- "assign_To_New_Group": true,
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- "rate_Pace_Type": "string",
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- "update_User": "string",
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- "premRate_Category": "string",
- "premRate_ID": "string",
- "premRate_Type": "string",
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- "subscriber_ID": "string",
- "term_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "term_Date_type": "string",
- "tier": "st",
- "update_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "update_User": "string",
- "zip_Code_From": "string",
- "zip_Code_Thru": "string"
}, - "error": {
- "detail": "string",
- "instance": "string",
- "status": 0,
- "title": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "debug": {
- "activityID": "string"
Create or Update multiple PremRate at once. If the entity exists, it will be updated. If the entity does not exist, it will be created.
[- {
- "premRate_Key": 0,
- "add_On_Grouping_ID": "string",
- "additional_Invoice_Address": "stri",
- "additional_Invoice_Frequency": "st",
- "additional_Invoice_Level": "string",
- "address_Type": "string",
- "adjustment_Reason": 0,
- "adult": true,
- "age_From": 0,
- "age_Thru": 0,
- "age_Type": "string",
- "age_Type_Month": "st",
- "assign_To_New_Division": true,
- "assign_To_New_Group": true,
- "assign_To_New_Member": true,
- "auto_Adjust": true,
- "auto_Adjust_Reason": 0,
- "avoid_Retro": true,
- "benefit_Code": "string",
- "billing_Cycle_ID": "st",
- "child": true,
- "city": "string",
- "class_Code": "string",
- "country_ID": "string",
- "county_Code": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "division_ID": "string",
- "effective_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "effective_Date_Type": "string",
- "employee_Employer_Contribution": "st",
- "employer_Contribution": 0.1,
- "employer_Contribution_Pct": true,
- "employer_Rate": 0.1,
- "employer_Rate_Max": 0.1,
- "employer_Rate_Minimum": 0.1,
- "employer_Rate_Type": "string",
- "employer_Rate_Variable1": 0.1,
- "employer_Rate_Variable2": 0.1,
- "employer_Rate_Variable3": 0.1,
- "employer_Round_Precision": 0,
- "employer_Round_Type": "string",
- "enrolled_Count_From": 0,
- "enrolled_Count_Thru": 0,
- "enrolled_Count_Type": "string",
- "enrolled_Duration_From": 0,
- "enrolled_Duration_Min": 0,
- "enrolled_Duration_Option": "string",
- "enrolled_Duration_Thru": 0,
- "enrolled_Duration_Type": "string",
- "entry_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "entry_User": "string",
- "group_Division_Offering": true,
- "group_ID": "string",
- "member_Seq": "st",
- "network_ID": "string",
- "network_Type": "string",
- "new_Hire_Age": true,
- "override_Enrolled_Dates": true,
- "parent_PremRate_Key": 0,
- "payment_Method": "string",
- "plan_ID": "string",
- "plan_Type": "string",
- "premRate_Basis": "string",
- "premRate_Category": "string",
- "premRate_ID": "string",
- "premRate_Type": "string",
- "premium_Proration": true,
- "rate": 0.1,
- "rate_Max": 0.1,
- "rate_Minimum": 0.1,
- "rate_Pace": "string",
- "rate_Pace_Type": "string",
- "rate_Round_Precision": 0,
- "rate_Round_Type": "string",
- "rate_Type": "string",
- "rate_Variable1": 0.1,
- "rate_Variable2": 0.1,
- "rate_Variable3": 0.1,
- "region_Code": "string",
- "relationship": "string",
- "sex": "s",
- "smoker": "s",
- "state": "st",
- "subscriber_ID": "string",
- "term_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "term_Date_type": "string",
- "tier": "st",
- "update_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "update_User": "string",
- "zip_Code_From": "string",
- "zip_Code_Thru": "string"
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
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- "detail": "string",
- "instance": "string",
- "status": 0,
- "title": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "debug": {
- "activityID": "string"
Lists all PremRate included in the specified Group ID and Division ID.
Create a new Premium Rate based on the selected Template Rate.
{- "group_ID": "string",
- "division_ID": "string",
- "premRate_Type": "string"
{- "data": {
- "premRate_Key": 0,
- "add_On_Grouping_ID": "string",
- "additional_Invoice_Address": "stri",
- "additional_Invoice_Frequency": "st",
- "additional_Invoice_Level": "string",
- "address_Type": "string",
- "adjustment_Reason": 0,
- "adult": true,
- "age_From": 0,
- "age_Thru": 0,
- "age_Type": "string",
- "age_Type_Month": "st",
- "assign_To_New_Division": true,
- "assign_To_New_Group": true,
- "assign_To_New_Member": true,
- "auto_Adjust": true,
- "auto_Adjust_Reason": 0,
- "avoid_Retro": true,
- "benefit_Code": "string",
- "billing_Cycle_ID": "st",
- "child": true,
- "city": "string",
- "class_Code": "string",
- "country_ID": "string",
- "county_Code": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "division_ID": "string",
- "effective_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "effective_Date_Type": "string",
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- "employer_Contribution": 0.1,
- "employer_Contribution_Pct": true,
- "employer_Rate": 0.1,
- "employer_Rate_Max": 0.1,
- "employer_Rate_Minimum": 0.1,
- "employer_Rate_Type": "string",
- "employer_Rate_Variable1": 0.1,
- "employer_Rate_Variable2": 0.1,
- "employer_Rate_Variable3": 0.1,
- "employer_Round_Precision": 0,
- "employer_Round_Type": "string",
- "enrolled_Count_From": 0,
- "enrolled_Count_Thru": 0,
- "enrolled_Count_Type": "string",
- "enrolled_Duration_From": 0,
- "enrolled_Duration_Min": 0,
- "enrolled_Duration_Option": "string",
- "enrolled_Duration_Thru": 0,
- "enrolled_Duration_Type": "string",
- "entry_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "entry_User": "string",
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- "member_Seq": "st",
- "network_ID": "string",
- "network_Type": "string",
- "new_Hire_Age": true,
- "override_Enrolled_Dates": true,
- "parent_PremRate_Key": 0,
- "payment_Method": "string",
- "plan_ID": "string",
- "plan_Type": "string",
- "premRate_Basis": "string",
- "premRate_Category": "string",
- "premRate_ID": "string",
- "premRate_Type": "string",
- "premium_Proration": true,
- "rate": 0.1,
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- "rate_Pace": "string",
- "rate_Pace_Type": "string",
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- "rate_Variable3": 0.1,
- "region_Code": "string",
- "relationship": "string",
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- "smoker": "s",
- "state": "st",
- "subscriber_ID": "string",
- "term_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "term_Date_type": "string",
- "tier": "st",
- "update_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "update_User": "string",
- "zip_Code_From": "string",
- "zip_Code_Thru": "string"
}, - "error": {
- "detail": "string",
- "instance": "string",
- "status": 0,
- "title": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "debug": {
- "activityID": "string"