Changes a Subscriber ID globally
Accepted for processing
{- "user_ID": "string",
- "current_Subscriber_ID": "string",
- "new_Subscriber_ID": "string"
Disenrolls a Member from an Enrollment. A VBAProcess object is returned representing the process state. See VBAProcess area for more information.
user_ID required | string [ 1 .. 20 ] characters The user for which this request is executed on behalf of. |
subscriber_ID required | string [ 1 .. 9 ] characters The Subscirber ID of the Member being disenrolled. You can get the Subscriber ID via the SearchConfig process using ENROLLMENT searchConfigId ( |
member_Seq required | string [ 1 .. 2 ] characters The Member Sequence of the Member being disenrolled. If this is a Subscriber Disenroll, the Member Sequence provided is the Insured Member Sequence. You can get the Member Seq via the SearchConfig process using ENROLLMENT searchConfigId ( |
group_ID required | string [ 1 .. 20 ] characters The Group ID of the current Subenrollment record (the members current or most recent enrollment). You can use the List SubEnrollment API ({subscriberID}/enrollments) to get the values you need. |
division_ID required | string [ 1 .. 20 ] characters The Division ID of the current Subenrollment record (the members current or most recent enrollment). You can use the List SubEnrollment API ({subscriberID}/enrollments) to get the values you need. |
group_Coverage_Start required | string <date-time> The Group Coverage Start of the current Subenrollment record (the members current or most recent enrollment). You can use the List SubEnrollment API ({subscriberID}/enrollments) to get the values you need. This is only required on Subscriber/Member Disenrolls, for Group/Division Disenroll, this can be blank. |
start_Date required | string <date-time> The Start Date of the current Subenrollment record (the members current or most recent enrollment). You can use the List SubEnrollment API ({subscriberID}/enrollments) to get the values you need. This is only required on Subscriber/Member Disenrolls, for Group/Division Disenroll, this can be blank. |
disenroll_Date required | string <date-time> The Disenroll Date for this disenroll process. |
term_Date | string or null <date-time> Term Date is an informational field used in some reports. It doesn't impact the process but is often populated with the same value as the Disenroll Date. |
subscriber required | boolean The Subscriber value is a flag indicating if the member being disenrolled is the Insured. Send 1 if this is the Subscriber, send 0 if this is a Spouse/Dependent/Other. This is only required on Subscriber/Member Disenrolls, for Group/Division Disenroll, this can be blank. |
reason_ID required | integer <int32> Reason ID is the reson for this disenroll. You can get a list of valid Reason IDs from the List Reasons API ( |
premium | number or null <double> When not using the PremRates list of PremRate_Key values, this indicates the COBRA Premium for some reports. |
disenrollFamily required | integer <int32> The DisenrollFamily indicator lets the Disenroll process know exactly how to perform the Disenroll. You can get a list of valid DisenrollFamily values from the List Disenrollment Family Options API ( |
terminateAuth required | boolean The TerminateAuth flag lets us know if Auths approved or requested beyond the Disenroll Date should be cancelled. |
disenrollFuture required | integer <int32> The DisenrollFuture indicator will tell us how to handle any future enrollments beyond the Disenroll Date related to this disenroll. The valid values are: 2 - Disenroll Future Enrollments 3 - Do Not Disenroll any Future Enrollments |
premRates | Array of integers or null <int32> The list of COBRA Rates associated with this Disenroll process. |
Array of objects or null (PremInvoiceAdjustment) If you intend to auto-adjust existing premiums based on this disenroll you would populate your adjustments here. |
{- "user_ID": "string",
- "subscriber_ID": "string",
- "member_Seq": "st",
- "group_ID": "string",
- "division_ID": "string",
- "group_Coverage_Start": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "start_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "disenroll_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "term_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subscriber": true,
- "reason_ID": 0,
- "premium": 0.1,
- "disenrollFamily": 0,
- "terminateAuth": true,
- "disenrollFuture": 0,
- "premRates": [
- 0
], - "premInvoiceAdjustments": [
- {
- "invoiceAdjustment_Key": 0,
- "adjustment_Amount": 0.1,
- "adjustment_Comment": "string",
- "adjustment_PremRate_Key": 0,
- "adjustment_Reason": 0,
- "adjustment_Received": 0.1,
- "auto_Adjust": true,
- "avoid_Retro": true,
- "division_ID": "string",
- "effective_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "entry_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "entry_User": "string",
- "group_ID": "string",
- "invoice_Key": 0,
- "min_Max_Adjust": true,
- "negative_Adjustment": true,
- "premRate_Key": 0,
- "retro_Adjustment_Invoice_Key": 0,
- "selfAdmin_Adj": true,
- "subscriber_ID": "string",
- "update_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "update_User": "string",
- "use_Premium": true,
- "volume": 0.1
{- "data": {
- "vbaProcess_Key": 0,
- "vbaProcess_Type": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "entry_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "entry_User": "string",
- "process_End": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "process_Result": "string",
- "process_Start": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "process_User": "string",
- "update_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "update_User": "string"
}, - "error": {
- "detail": "string",
- "instance": "string",
- "status": 0,
- "title": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "debug": {
- "activityID": "string"
List of Billing Adjustments that would be created based on a Subscriber being disenrolled on the As of Date.
List of Waiting Period configuration based on the passed in settings (group, division, plan, and/or hire date).
Re-enrolls a Member to an Enrollment. A VBAProcess object is returned representing the process state. See VBAProcess area for more information.
{- "user_ID": "string",
- "subscriber_ID": "string",
- "member_Seq": "string",
- "group_ID": "string",
- "division_ID": "string",
- "reenrollFamily": 0,
- "subscriber": true,
- "start_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "reenrollCOBRA": true,
- "resetAuth": true,
- "disenroll_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "cobraDivision": "string",
- "cobraCovStart": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "cobraStart": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "cobraEnd": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "cobraReason": 0,
- "generateInvoice": true,
- "invoiceDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "groupReenroll": true,
- "resetGroupDisenroll": true,
- "reenrollAll": true,
- "cobraPlanCriterias": [
- {
- "plan_ID": "string",
- "tier": "string"
], - "memberSeqCriterias": [
- "string"
{- "data": {
- "vbaProcess_Key": 0,
- "vbaProcess_Type": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "entry_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "entry_User": "string",
- "process_End": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "process_Result": "string",
- "process_Start": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "process_User": "string",
- "update_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "update_User": "string"
}, - "error": {
- "detail": "string",
- "instance": "string",
- "status": 0,
- "title": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "debug": {
- "activityID": "string"
Adds enrollments to an existing subscriber. Can add enrollment for the subscriber or subscriber + all members.
{- "requesting_User_ID": "string",
- "addMembers": true,
- "subEnrollment": {
- "subscriber_ID": "string",
- "group_ID": "string",
- "division_ID": "string",
- "group_Coverage_Start": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "start_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "annual_Max": 0.1,
- "date_Employed": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "eligibility_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "end_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "entry_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "entry_User": "string",
- "lifetime_Max": 0.1,
- "original_Enrollment_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "paid_Through": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "policy_Number": "string",
- "term_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "update_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "update_User": "string"
Surrender an existing Policy under the Policy & Forfeiture area.
Transfer a Subscriber Enrollment from one Division to another.
Get a consolidated payload of benefit information, accumulator information, and eligility.
{- "subscriber_ID": "string",
- "member_Seq": "string",
- "group_ID": "string",
- "plan_ID": "string",
- "plan_Year": "string",
- "diag_Code": "string",
- "diag_Code_Type": "string",
- "procedure_Code": "string",
- "place_Of_Service": "string",
- "serviceTypes": [
- "string"
], - "taxonomy_Code": "string",
- "as_Of_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
{- "data": {
- "subscriber": {
- "subscriber_ID": "string",
- "last_Name": "string",
- "first_Name": "string",
- "address": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "date_Enrolled": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "disenroll_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "home_Phone": "string",
- "work_Phone": "string",
- "zip_Code": "string",
- "middle_Name": "string",
- "name_Suffix": "string",
- "salutation": "string",
- "county_Code": "string",
- "address2": "string",
- "country_ID": "string",
- "home_Country_Code": "string",
- "work_Country_Code": "string",
- "email": "string"
}, - "member": {
- "subscriber_ID": "string",
- "member_Seq": "string",
- "last_Name": "string",
- "first_Name": "string",
- "middle_Name": "string",
- "relationship": "string",
- "birth_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "date_Enrolled": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "disenroll_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sex": "string",
- "alternate_ID": "string",
- "ssn": "string",
- "unique_ID": "string"
}, - "eligDetails": [
- {
- "group_ID": "string",
- "group_Name": "string",
- "group_Date_Enrolled": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "group_Disenroll_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "division_ID": "string",
- "division_Date_Enrolled": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "division_Disenroll_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "division_Name": "string",
- "plan_ID": "string",
- "plan_Description": "string",
- "start_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "tier_Description": "string",
- "plan_Start": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "plan_End": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "volume": 0.1
], - "memberInsurances": [
- {
- "subscriber_ID": "string",
- "member_Seq": "st",
- "seq_Number": 0,
- "carrier_Key": 0,
- "carrier_Name": "string",
- "coverageType": "string",
- "end_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "entry_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "entry_User": "string",
- "group_Number": "string",
- "insurance_Type": 0,
- "limits": 0.1,
- "plan_Type": "string",
- "policyHolderName": "string",
- "policy_Number": "string",
- "priority": 0,
- "secondary_Member_Seq": "st",
- "secondary_Subscriber_ID": "string",
- "start_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "update_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "update_User": "string"
], - "memberProviders": [
- {
- "memberProvider_Key": 0,
- "capitation_Category": "string",
- "effective_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "end_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "entry_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "entry_User": "string",
- "ipA_Number": "string",
- "member_Seq": "st",
- "provider_ID": "string",
- "reason_Code": 0,
- "subscriber_ID": "string",
- "update_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "update_User": "string"
], - "memberEligibilityStatuses": [
- {
- "memberEligibilityStatus_Key": 0,
- "effective_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "eligibility_Status": "string",
- "end_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "entry_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "entry_User": "string",
- "member_Seq": "st",
- "subscriber_ID": "string",
- "update_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "update_User": "string"
], - "codeValues": [
- {
- "idCodeValue_Key": 0,
- "iD_Code": "string",
- "iD_Code_Description": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "type_Description": "string",
- "dataType": "string",
- "iD_Code_Data_String": "string",
- "iD_Code_Data_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "iD_Code_Data_Number": 0,
- "iD_Code_Data_Decimal": 0.1,
- "iD_Code_Data_Option": true
], - "plans": {
- "plan_ID": "string",
- "annual_Max": 0.1,
- "annual_Max_Net": 0.1,
- "annual_Max_OON": 0.1,
- "auto_Create_Flex": true,
- "cobrA_Plan_Type_Desc": "string",
- "coB_Savings_Max": 0.1,
- "coB_Type": "string",
- "capitated": true,
- "cash_Value_Default": 0,
- "coIns_In_To_Out": true,
- "coIns_Max_Mem": 0.1,
- "coIns_Max_Net_Mem": 0.1,
- "coIns_Max_Net_Sub": 0.1,
- "coIns_Max_OON_Mem": 0.1,
- "coIns_Max_OON_Sub": 0.1,
- "coIns_Max_Sub": 0.1,
- "coIns_Out_To_In": true,
- "coIns_Out_To_In_Limit": true,
- "coIns_Out_To_In_Limit_Max": 0.1,
- "context4_ClmUcrPct": 0,
- "context4_ClmUcrPct_OON": 0,
- "context4_FeeSelector": "string",
- "context4_FeeSelector_OON": "string",
- "context4_MedicarePct": 0,
- "context4_MedicarePct_OON": 0,
- "context4_Password": "string",
- "context4_PayorType": "string",
- "context4_PayorType_OON": "string",
- "context4_PctOfChg": 0,
- "context4_PctOfChg_OON": 0,
- "context4_PlanPriceNotGreaterBilledFg": true,
- "context4_UserID": "string",
- "context4_WebURI": "string",
- "context4_WebURI_Delete": "string",
- "currency_ID": "string",
- "ded_In_To_Out": true,
- "ded_Out_To_In": true,
- "ded_Out_To_In_Limit": true,
- "ded_Out_To_In_Limit_Max": 0.1,
- "description": "string",
- "entry_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "entry_User": "string",
- "extended_Term_Default": 0,
- "family_Level_Co_Ins": true,
- "family_Level_Co_Ins_Member": 0,
- "family_Level_Ded": true,
- "family_Level_Ded_Member": 0,
- "family_Level_OOP": true,
- "family_Level_OOP_Member": 0,
- "flex_Advance_Fund": true,
- "flex_Type": "string",
- "forfeiture_Status_Default": "string",
- "illness_Ex_Code": "string",
- "illness_Waiting_Period": 0,
- "include_Waiting_Period": true,
- "injury_Ex_Code": "string",
- "injury_Waiting_Period": 0,
- "ltC_Apply_Elimination_Period": true,
- "ltC_Apply_Waiver_Of_Premium": true,
- "ltC_Daily_Benefit": 0.1,
- "ltC_Daily_Benefit_Range_From": 0.1,
- "ltC_Daily_Benefit_Range_Increment": 0.1,
- "ltC_Daily_Benefit_Range_Thru": 0.1,
- "ltC_Daily_Benefit_Type": "string",
- "ltC_Elimination_Period": 0,
- "ltC_Elimination_Period_Per_Claim": true,
- "ltC_Elimination_Period_Type": "string",
- "ltC_Lifetime_Max_Days_From": 0,
- "ltC_Lifetime_Max_Days_Thru": 0,
- "ltC_Lifetime_Max_From": 0.1,
- "ltC_Lifetime_Max_Increment": 0.1,
- "ltC_Lifetime_Max_Joint_Policy": true,
- "ltC_Lifetime_Max_Thru": 0.1,
- "ltC_Lifetime_Max_Type": "string",
- "ltC_Lifetime_Max_Years_From": 0,
- "ltC_Lifetime_Max_Years_Thru": 0,
- "ltC_Monthly_Benefit": 0.1,
- "ltC_Monthly_Benefit_Range_From": 0.1,
- "ltC_Monthly_Benefit_Range_Increment": 0.1,
- "ltC_Monthly_Benefit_Range_Thru": 0.1,
- "ltC_Monthly_Benefit_Type": "string",
- "ltC_Waiver_Of_Premium_Type": "string",
- "lifetime_Max": 0.1,
- "lifetime_Max_Net": 0.1,
- "lifetime_Max_OON": 0.1,
- "maturity_Age": 0,
- "maturity_Age_Type": "string",
- "max_Disability_Weeks": 0,
- "max_Includes_Waiting_Period": true,
- "mem_Ded_Credit": 0.1,
- "mem_Ded_Credit_OON": 0.1,
- "mem_Ded_Credit_PPO": 0.1,
- "member_Annual_Max": 0.1,
- "member_Annual_Max_Net": 0.1,
- "member_Annual_Max_OON": 0.1,
- "member_Ded_OON": 0.1,
- "member_Ded_PPO": 0.1,
- "member_Deductible": 0.1,
- "member_Lifetime_Max": 0.1,
- "member_Lifetime_Max_Net": 0.1,
- "member_Lifetime_Max_OON": 0.1,
- "ooP_Calc_Option": "string",
- "ooP_In_To_Out": true,
- "ooP_Max_Mem": 0.1,
- "ooP_Max_Net_Mem": 0.1,
- "ooP_Max_Net_Sub": 0.1,
- "ooP_Max_OON_Mem": 0.1,
- "ooP_Max_OON_Sub": 0.1,
- "ooP_Max_Sub": 0.1,
- "ooP_Out_To_In": true,
- "ooP_Out_To_In_Limit": true,
- "ooP_Out_To_In_Limit_Max": 0.1,
- "payment_Interval": 0,
- "payor_ID": "string",
- "pend_Ex_Code": "string",
- "pend_Flag": "s",
- "plan_Document_URL": "string",
- "plan_Type": "string",
- "policy_Forfeiture_Grace_Period": 0,
- "policy_Forfeiture_Grace_Period_Type": "s",
- "policy_Status_Default": "string",
- "preEx_Ex_Code": "string",
- "preEx_From": 0,
- "preEx_Range": 0,
- "preEx_Thru": 0,
- "qpA_Method": "s",
- "reduced_Paid_Up_Default": 0,
- "remove_Member_Amount_Edit": true,
- "situs_State": "st",
- "sub_Ded_Credit": 0.1,
- "sub_Ded_Credit_OON": 0.1,
- "sub_Ded_Credit_PPO": 0.1,
- "subscriber_Ded_OON": 0.1,
- "subscriber_Ded_PPO": 0.1,
- "subscriber_Deductible": 0.1,
- "survivor_Benefit": 0,
- "update_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "update_User": "string",
- "use_COB_Savings": true
}, - "coveredBenefits": [
- {
- "benefit_Code": "string",
- "hipaA_Code": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "benefit_Category": "string",
- "use_Plan_CoIns": true,
- "coIns_Max_Sub": 0.1,
- "coIns_Max_Mem": 0.1,
- "coIns_Max_Net_Sub": 0.1,
- "coIns_Max_Net_Mem": 0.1,
- "coIns_Max_OON_Sub": 0.1,
- "coIns_Max_OON_Mem": 0.1,
- "use_Plan_Ded": true,
- "ded_Max_Sub": 0.1,
- "ded_Max_Mem": 0.1,
- "ded_Max_Net_Sub": 0.1,
- "ded_Max_Net_Mem": 0.1,
- "ded_Max_OON_Sub": 0.1,
- "ded_Max_OON_Mem": 0.1,
- "use_Plan_OOP": true,
- "ooP_Max_Sub": 0.1,
- "ooP_Max_Mem": 0.1,
- "ooP_Max_Net_Sub": 0.1,
- "ooP_Max_Net_Mem": 0.1,
- "ooP_Max_OON_Sub": 0.1,
- "ooP_Max_OON_Mem": 0.1,
- "ooP_Calc_Option": "string",
- "covered": true,
- "pcP_Only": true,
- "covered_In_Net_Only": true,
- "deductible_Before_CoPay": true,
- "planBenLevels": [
- {
- "planBenefitLevel_Key": 0,
- "benefit_Code": "string",
- "benefit_Level": "string",
- "entry_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "entry_User": "string",
- "exclude": true,
- "extra_Value1": "string",
- "extra_Value2": "string",
- "from_Value": "string",
- "plan_ID": "string",
- "thru_Value": "string",
- "update_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "update_User": "string",
- "value_Type": "string"
], - "planBenAuths": [
- {
- "plan_ID": "string",
- "benefit_Code": "string",
- "place_Code": "stri",
- "amount_Before_Auth": 0.1,
- "amount_Type": "string",
- "auth_Reqd": "s",
- "entry_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "entry_User": "string",
- "update_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "update_User": "string",
- "visits_Before_Auth": 0
], - "planBenCoPays": [
- {
- "plan_ID": "string",
- "benefit_Code": "string",
- "place_Code": "stri",
- "copay_Amt": 0.1,
- "copay_Amt_Net": 0.1,
- "copay_Amt_Net_OOP": true,
- "copay_Amt_OOP": true,
- "copay_Pct": "s",
- "copay_Pct_Net": "s",
- "copay_Per": "s",
- "entry_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "entry_User": "string",
- "update_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "update_User": "string"
], - "planBenCoInsurances": [
- {
- "plan_ID": "string",
- "benefit_Code": "string",
- "place_Code": "stri",
- "co_Ins_Net_Pct": "s",
- "co_Ins_Pct": "s",
- "co_Insurance": 0.1,
- "co_Insurance_Net": 0.1,
- "entry_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "entry_User": "string",
- "update_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "update_User": "string"
], - "accumulatorDetail": [
- {
- "plan_ID": "string",
- "ooP_Calc_Option": "string",
- "member_Deductible": 0.1,
- "member_Ded_PPO": 0.1,
- "member_Ded_OON": 0.1,
- "mem_Ded_Credit": 0.1,
- "mem_Ded_Credit_PPO": 0.1,
- "mem_Ded_Credit_OON": 0.1,
- "deductible_Used": 0.1,
- "ded_PPO_Used": 0.1,
- "deductible_Used_OON": 0.1,
- "ded_Credit_Used": 0.1,
- "ded_Credit_PPO_Used": 0.1,
- "ded_Credit_OON_Used": 0.1,
- "subscriber_Deductible": 0.1,
- "subscriber_Ded_PPO": 0.1,
- "subscriber_Ded_OON": 0.1,
- "sub_Ded_Credit": 0.1,
- "sub_Ded_Credit_PPO": 0.1,
- "sub_Ded_Credit_OON": 0.1,
- "fam_Deductible_Used": 0.1,
- "fam_Ded_PPO_Used": 0.1,
- "fam_Deductible_Used_OON": 0.1,
- "fam_Ded_Credit_Used": 0.1,
- "fam_Ded_Credit_PPO_Used": 0.1,
- "fam_Ded_Credit_OON_Used": 0.1,
- "coIns_Max_Mem": 0.1,
- "coIns_Max_Net_Mem": 0.1,
- "coIns_Max_OON_Mem": 0.1,
- "coIns_Amt": 0.1,
- "coIns_Amt_Net": 0.1,
- "coIns_Amt_OON": 0.1,
- "coIns_Max_Sub": 0.1,
- "coIns_Max_Net_Sub": 0.1,
- "coIns_Max_OON_Sub": 0.1,
- "fam_CoIns_Amt": 0.1,
- "fam_CoIns_Amt_Net": 0.1,
- "fam_CoIns_Amt_OON": 0.1,
- "ooP_Max_Mem": 0.1,
- "ooP_Max_Net_Mem": 0.1,
- "ooP_Max_OON_Mem": 0.1,
- "out_Of_Pocket": 0.1,
- "out_Of_Pocket_Net": 0.1,
- "out_Of_Pocket_OON": 0.1,
- "ooP_Max_Sub": 0.1,
- "ooP_Max_Net_Sub": 0.1,
- "ooP_Max_OON_Sub": 0.1,
- "fam_Out_Of_Pocket": 0.1,
- "fam_Out_Of_Pocket_Net": 0.1,
- "fam_Out_Of_Pocket_OON": 0.1,
- "plan_Year_Paid": 0.1,
- "plan_Year_Max": 0.1,
- "lifetime_Paid": 0.1,
- "lifetime_Max": 0.1,
- "fam_Plan_Year_Paid": 0.1,
- "plan_Year_Max_Sub": 0.1,
- "fam_Lifetime_Paid": 0.1,
- "lifetime_Max_Sub": 0.1,
- "coB_Savings_Max": 0.1,
- "coB_Savings": 0.1,
- "coB_Savings_Used": 0.1,
- "currency_ID": "string",
- "fmD_Max_ID": 0
], - "planMaxSummaryResults": [
- {
- "as_Of_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "amount_Met": 0.1,
- "visits_Met": 0,
- "plan_ID": "string",
- "benefit_Code": "string",
- "max_ID": "string",
- "max_Type": "string",
- "max_Type_Net": "string",
- "quantity": 0.1,
- "max_Per": "string",
- "frequency": 0,
- "from_Procedure": "string",
- "thru_Procedure": "string",
- "max_From": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "max_Thru": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
}, - "error": {
- "detail": "string",
- "instance": "string",
- "status": 0,
- "title": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "debug": {
- "activityID": "string"
Takes a list of IDCardRequest_Key values and verifies those against configured process automation settings.
{- "idCardRequestKeys": [
- 0
{- "data": {
- "vbaProcess_Key": 0,
- "vbaProcess_Type": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "entry_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "entry_User": "string",
- "process_End": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "process_Result": "string",
- "process_Start": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "process_User": "string",
- "update_Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "update_User": "string"
}, - "error": {
- "detail": "string",
- "instance": "string",
- "status": 0,
- "title": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "debug": {
- "activityID": "string"
Recalculate All Teeth for a given Subscriber and Member. Pass the requestingUserId if this request is being made on behalf of another User.